The Articulate Cultural Trust and Hub offers creative consultation and research services, collaborations and learning interventions that amplify the social, educational and economic benefits of arts participation in Scotland.
We work closely with a knowledgeable team of management associates who are experts in their field and skilled at creative collaboration, facilitation, research, evaluation and consultation:
Eona Craig – widening access, lifelong learning, equality, diversity and inclusion
Jenny Hunter – arts education, community development and heritage
Andrea McMillan – community empowerment, early intervention and play
Abbie Wallace – creative learning, mentoring and cultural enterprise
Young Advisors:
Articulate is guided by an advisory group comprising young people who are care experienced and carers. They are all young creatives and activists who share Articulate’s vision, mission and passion for the arts as a tool for social, educational and economic health. They help to co-design the programme, proposals and projects ensuring our work is relevant and appropriate to our youngest citizens.
Young Researchers:
We are fortunate to be supported by a group of care experienced young people who are skilled in evaluation, research and knowledge exchange practices. They work with us to explore and test places and spaces, systems, processes and practices from the perspective of a marginalised young Scot.
Their recent research is documented in this summary and short film.
Please don't hesitate to get in touch with Laura Frood if the Young Researchers can help you with
local, regional or national evaluation, research or consultation practices.