WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT - Individual, Group and Organisational Training Programmes
Articulate can create training events and programmes that have creativity, arts practice and cultural activity at their core.
Our training with young people can be transformational.
Our professional development with artists and creative practitioners can be a revelation.
Our CPD for teachers, social and youth workers can shine a light on new approaches, perspectives and talents.
We also regularly contribute workshops, papers, presentations and performances to conferences, events and webinars.
See these short films on impact of our key 2019 programme:
Commissioned by corporate parent, Creative Scotland, Articulate designed these events to spotlight excellent
and evolving practice locally, nationally and internationally. We delivered creative and connecting sessions that built bridges at the cross-roads of, and that encourage collaboration between, the creative and care sectors.
Our most recent conference contributions were to the Third Sector Research Forum in Edinburgh
and the Open Minds Summit in Paisley. We will join the International Teaching Artist Conference in 2020.
During our Arts, Creativity and Employability (ACE) project with Abertay University, professional adults highlighted the need for more networking and learning opportunities. We will use the feedback from these developments to deliver a
new programme in 2020 that continues to evolve and embed the research themes of:
Building Quality – showcasing and enhancing excellence
Building Skills – developing and amplifying knowledge and understanding
Building Connectivity – embedding strong network and exchange practices.
Please get in touch if you would like us to contribute to your training initiatives in any way ...